Anahí Sarasola Puente

Anahí Sarasola Puente
When I knew NVC, this model impacted me so much that I decided to become a facilitator for two reasons: First, to deeply integrate this model's ideas and principles in my life. Second, share these ideas and beliefs with other people. I have learned certain things; I also realised how much there is left to learn and integrate. Personal relationships are not easy, nor is the commitment to caring for life in these times we live. And at the same time, being in contact with NVC is one way that I have found that makes me more present in my day-to-day life and connects with the principles and values that I would like to attend in my life.
Cuando conocí la CNV, me impacto tanto el modelo que decidí formarme para convertirme en facilitadora por dos motivos: El primero, integrar de manera profunda las ideas y los principios de este modelo en mi vida. El segundo, compartir estas ideas y principios con otras personas. En este tiempo he aprendido ciertas cosas, y me he dado cuenta de cuanto me queda por aprender, por integrar. No son fáciles las relaciones personales, ni el compromiso con el cuidado hacia la vida en estos tiempos que estamos viviendo. A la vez, estar en contacto con la CNV es una estrategia que he encontrado que me ayuda a estar presente en mi día a día, conectada a los principios y valores que me gustaría atender en mi vida.
Azzam Talhami

Azzam Talhami
Azzam Talhami is a Palestinian CNVC Certified Trainer, International Peacebuilder, and mental health advocate. He has trained hundreds of people across the Middle East, Europe and the US in peacebuilding and Nonviolent Communication (NVC), including at the MidEast International Intensive Training in NVC in Palestine. Dedicated to supporting historically conflicting communities towards a just peace, he has trained the students at the Peace Engineers School in Ukraine in sustainable peace and NVC, in partnership with PAX, the Netherlands, with the Federal Ministry's support of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
Azzam founded the NVC Arabic Academy, leading in-person and online classes for Arabic-speaking journalists, psychologists, and aspiring peacebuilders worldwide and creating programs that train international peace organizations as for forumZFD.
Devoted to sharing his people's story through the lens of compassion, his interests as a guest speaker and teacher include deepening the conversation around power and privilege. He has served as an on-camera political analyst, news correspondent, documentary filmmaker, journalist, translator, and war-zone photographer for many Palestinian, Israeli, Russian, and American media outlets. Among these, he has been a translator and Middle East journalist consultant for the AT&T Original Documentary the Volunteers, now on Amazon Prime, as well as writer and reporter for Huffington Post Arabic and Ma'an News Agency. His poetry on growing up in a war zone, especially his piece, What Does Living Under the Occupation Mean? Gained attention from peace activists worldwide and has been translated into English and Hebrew.
عن المدرّب
سيقوم بإعطاء التدريب المدرب الدولي عزام تلاحمه. وهو مدرب دولي مرخّص في التواصل اللاعنفي من المركز الدولي للتواصل اللاعنفي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، عزام تلاحمه هو الفلسطيني الأول والوحيد المرخص من قبل CNVC. قام بإعطاء العديد من التدريبات في الولايات المتحدة، أوروبا الشرقية والشرق الأوسط.
تقوم المؤسسات الدولية والأمريكية باستضافة عزام للحديث عن فن حل النزاعات والتواصل اللاعنفي، حيث قام بإلقاء العديد من المحاضرات في ولاية كاليفورنيا، وولاية واشنطن، كما أنه عمل كصحفي ضيف في بيه انفي سي في مدينة أوكلاند ونشرت له مقالات تتحدث عن لغة التواصل اللاعنفي وعلاقته بالتراث العربي.
شارك عزام في عدد من المنتديات وورشات العمل التي تتناول العدالة الاجتماعية من وجهة نظر لغة التواصل اللاعنفي وتتحدث عن التحديات التي تواجه الأقليات والفئات الأقل قوة وتأثيراً داخل تدريبات التواصل اللاعنفي.
عمله في مجال الأفلام:
بدأ عزام عمله في الولايات المتحدة في صناعة الأفلام الوثائقية، حيث عمل مع شركة "ريكي شوردر" للانتاج السينمائي في "هوليود" في ولاية كاليفورنيا، كعضو في إنتاج فيلم "Volunteer" الذي يتحدث عن الحرب الأهلية في سوريا والذي بُثّ عبر شبكة AT&T التلفزيونية الأمريكية. بعد ذلك انتقل عزام ليعمل مع عدة شركات انتاج كشركتي "سوني" و"نتفلكس"، ليساهم في تحرير ترجمة المحتوى السينمائي التي كانت تترجم إلى العربية.
يتناول عزام في تدريباته بالتواصل اللاعنفي العديد من المواضيع التي تلامس واقع معيشة الأقليات، المجتمعات التي تعيش في نزاعات، المجتمعات التي تعاني من عنف أسري ومجتمعي، المجتمعات التي تعاني من تفشي العنصرية، وكذلك البطريركية التقليدية القائمة على تجاهل ورفض علاقات القوى القائمة على النوع الاجتماعي.
يدرّس عزام علاج الصدمات عن طريق التواصل اللاعنفي، حيث طوّر هذه الطريقة من خلال فهمه لعدة مدارس ونظريات نفسية دامجا هذا الفهم مع مبادئ التواصل اللاعنفي ليقدّم ما يعرف في تدريباته الحالية Trauma informed NVC

Chelsie Green
Chelsie is a psychotherapist and yoga and meditation teacher from Brooklyn, NY, USA. She holds a Master of Social Work from Columbia University and has experience providing counselling in jail and private practice settings. Chelsie attended an Intensive International Training through the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) in the Netherlands in 2018 and has participated in and led NVC workshops internationally since then. Chelsie brings her enthusiasm and care to her work with groups and individuals. She always strives to empower those she works with and help them live with greater authenticity, self-connection, and empathy for themselves and others. Chelsie believes that NVC is a great tool and language to learn for communicating with others and understanding oneself.
Eva Maria Schneijderberg

Eva Maria Schneijderberg
After being introduced to Nonviolent Communication (NVC), I was quickly enthusiastic about the new possibilities I saw to contribute to harmony and connection. NVC supports people in developing understanding and skills to contribute to a world/environment that works for everyone. It gives me satisfaction to introduce others to this process and gain experience in my training courses and workshops. I work as an internationally certified trainer in Nonviolent Communication and as a guest lecturer at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. After more than 12 years of experience as a teacher, I now like to contribute differently within and outside education.
Javier Nieto Gómez

Javier Nieto Gómez
• Unapprentice and Nonviolent Communication Institute collaborator.
• Involving the purposes of persons and organizations.
• Business Administration and Advertising degree.
• After 17 years of being part of creative teams in multinational and local advertising companies, I quitted from being the Executive Creative Director of focusing on communication through human needs and using creativity to connect people.
• International training by The Center for Nonviolent Communication.
• Local training in Spain by Institute for Nonviolent Communication.
• Trained in Restorative Justice by Dominic Barter and Duke Duchscherer.
• Member of Nonviolent Communication Spanish Association.
• Desaprendiz y colaborador del Instituto de Comunicación No Violenta de Pilar de la Torre.
• Involucrando los propósitos de las personas y las organizaciones.
• Licenciado en Administración y dirección de empresas y diplomado en Publicidad.
• Tras 17 años en departamentos creativos de agencias de publicidad, dejó su faceta de Director Creativo Ejecutivo para centrarse en la comunicación desde las necesidades humanas y en el uso de la creatividad para ayudar a conectar a las personas.
• Formado Internacionalmente por The Center for Nonviolent Communication.
• Formado por el Instituto de Comunicación No Violenta de Pilar de la Torre desde 2016.
• Formado en Justicia Restaurativa por Dominic Barter y Duke Duchscherer.
• Miembro de la Asociación para la Comunicación No Violenta.

Jeyanthy Siva
My work is rooted in Nonviolent Communication principles developed by Marshall Rosenberg, deepened through a de-colonial lens and an understanding of domination systems and how they facilitate systemic oppression (i.e., white supremacy, ableism, transphobia, etc.). Systems of domination display themselves in both visible and invisible ways. In some contexts, invisible ways can be most pernicious. Repairing and trust-building and the transformation of painful dynamics across power differences in relationships can occur when these systems are made explicit and harness empathy and accountability tools to address the rupture. Authentic living and transformative & compassionate communication become possible when these systems are made explicit and addressed.
I offer conflict mediation training and coaching and direct mediation & restorative circle dialogues to support individuals and groups to work through conflicts. For 20 plus years, I did training in Nonviolent Communication in different parts of the world (see below). My current training work primarily supports groups to address power differences, inclusion, equity, diversity, and anti-racism training.
Below is a narrative description that gives examples of past experience:
Jeyanthy Siva is an international trainer/facilitator, mediator and coach. She has been facilitating trainings and team retreats since 2000 and travels between Asia, Europe and the USA. In the course of her work, she has trained professionals working with refugees in the Netherlands, climate justice groups (Europe and worldwide), multi-religious clergy engaged in peacebuilding (Sri Lanka), feminist grassroots activists and peacebuilders (Thailand), development and peacebuilding organizations (East Timor, Sri Lanka), war-affected youth to heal trauma and build community and resilience (Sri Lanka) and dialogue and skill-building among groups in conflict (Nepal).
Özge Altınkaya Erkök

Özge Altınkaya Erkök
I was born and grew up in İstanbul, Turkey. After completing my higher studies in Art History and Museum Studies subsequently, I worked in museums and taught at a university for 12 years. Meeting with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in 2013 was a huge turning point in my personal life. It helped me restore my broken relationship with myself in a sustainable, profound way and offered me the perspective and practices I need for building up fulfilling, compassionate, honest and choiceful relationships with others and life.
Fascinated by the transformative and liberating framework and practices of NVC, I further deepened my knowledge and consciousness by joining various NVC trainings, courses and communities. Meeting with Miki Kashtan's work in the following years, my consciousness and enthusiasm towards liberation, power & privilege and a nonviolent world that works for all grew even more significant.
Incredibly passionate about social change, liberation, community building and conflict resolution, I have been offering workshops, coaching and consultation for various groups and individuals since 2016.
Türkiye’de doğdum ve büyüdüm. Yüksek öğrenimimi Sanat Tarihi ve ardından Müzecilik alanlarında tamamladıktan sonra, oniki yıl boyunca müzelerde çalıştım ve bir üniversitede dersler verdim. 2013 yılında Şiddetsiz İletişim’le tanışmak, kişisel yaşamım için bir dönüm noktası oldu. Yalnızca kendimle olan ilişkimin barışla, sürdürülebilir, derin bir şekilde yeniden güçlenmesini sağlamakla kalmadı, aynı zamanda diğer insanlarla ve yaşamla şefkat, anlam dolu, dürüst ve farkındalıklı ilişkiler geliştirmemi de mümkün kıldı.
Şiddetsiz İletişim’in dönüştürücü ve özgürleştirici düşünüş biçimi ve uygulamalarına merakım sürerken, yeni eğitimler, uygulamalar ve topluluklar aracılığıyla Şiddetsiz İletişim’de daha da derinleşmeye ve büyümeye devam ettim. Takip eden yıllarda Miki Kashtan’ın çalışmalarıyla tanışmamla birlikte özgürlük, güç&ayrıcalıklar ve hepimiz için çalışacak şiddetsiz bir dünyaya dair farkındalığım ve heyecanım daha da büyüdü.
Bilhassa toplumsal dönüşüm, özgürleşme, topluluk oluşturma ve anlaşmazlık çözümleri konularına tutku duyduğum bu alanda 2016 yılından beri atölye çalışmaları, koçluk ve danışmanlık sunmaktayım.
Ron de Brito

Ron de Brito
I was born in North London to Trinidadian parents and attended Catholic Schools, including two years in Trinidad, where I enjoyed my extended family's companionship.
My parents did not allow me to socialize with my peers at all, and strict punishment, mostly as a teenager, suppressed my emotional and social growth and development. I lived in fear and reacting to fear. I was encouraged to "be a doctor", so after my Batchelor's degree in Biochemistry, I passed my PhD becoming reliant on thinking and knowledge to navigate the world. I had some fun working in this field, but it wasn't my purpose.
As a mother, my logical thinking background meant neglecting emotional openness and acknowledgement, which I regret deeply. I was stressed and numb with headaches for days on end. I created and ran my own successful tutoring business for many years for children of all ages, and I taught part-time in schools.
After divorce, my new beloved partner took his own life. My devastation and heartbreak eventually brought me to the compassion I needed with Nonviolent Communication communities and Inner Child therapy. My NVC practice enabled me to grow my emotional and spiritual consciousness in every aspect of my life. I trained as an Embodied Facilitator and as a Co-Active Coach to create a new career. I left teaching after stress and burnout.
I am now an Empowerment and Compassion Coach, Embodied Facilitator, NVC Practitioner and Mediator. I am currently devoted to teaching Powerful Embodied Peace with NVC, Grief Story Circles and healing passed-down trauma by rituals with my Indian and African ancestors and my own trauma history. I teach and share acceptance, understanding, integration, love and compassion.
Ziya Altmış

Ziya Altmış
By being born in a family with two cultures (the Turkish and Dutch), my life has mainly consisted of searching where I belong and who I am. This has not always been easy because my life has been filled with judgments, discrimination, Islamophobia, and other life-alienating communication forms. Others had decided for me who I am and the stereotypical and painful labels that came with that. By coming into contact with Nonviolent Communication and experiencing what this does, I have found a way to meet myself and others beyond all kinds of labels. It has helped me, among other things, to give words to what is happening inside of me and share this honestly. Experiencing this has been life-enriching. Now, I notice how much I want to share this way of life with others. To contribute to a world where we can hear and see each other. A world in which we can treat each other with care, give space to each other's pain and hear and acknowledge this pain. And from here, in a restorative way, building a sustainable world for all of us.
Hayatım boyunca önyargılara, eleştirilere ve hayata karşı yabancılaşmama ve iletişim sorunu yaşamama neden olan negatif etkenlere maruz kaldım. İki ayrı gelen ebeveynlere sahip birisi olarak, kim olduğuma karar veren dünyaydı ve bununla beraber her tür etiket de üzerime yapıştırıldı. Şiddetsiz iletişim deneyimleyerek diğer insanlarla etiketlerin ötesinde bir araya gelme imkânı yakaladım. Bu durum neler olup bittiğini gözlemlemem, içimde neler olduğunu hissetmem ve ihtiyaçlarımı dile getirmem konusunda bana yardımcı oldu. Bunu deneyimlemek hayatıma zenginlik kattı. Ve şimdi de bu hayat tarzını hepinizle paylaşmak istiyorum.
Ziya Altmış
Nederlands, Engels en Turks

Ziya Altmış
Nederlands, Engels en Turks
Door geboren te zijn in een gezin met twee culturen (de Turkse en Nederlandse), heeft mijn leven voornamelijk bestaan uit het zoeken naar waar ik thuishoor en wie ik ben. Dit is niet altijd gemakkelijk geweest omdat mijn leven gevuld was met oordelen, discriminatie, islamfobie en andere levensvervreemdende communicatievormen. Anderen hadden voor mij besloten wie ik ben en de stereotiepe en pijnlijke labels die daarbij kwamen kijken. Door in contact te komen met Verbindende Communicatie en te ervaren wat dit doet, heb ik een manier gevonden om mezelf en anderen te ontmoeten voorbij allerlei labels. Het heeft me onder andere geholpen om woorden te geven aan wat er in mij gebeurt en dit eerlijk te uiten. Het ervaren hiervan is levensverrijkend geweest. Nu merk ik hoe graag ik deze manier van leven met anderen wil delen. Bijdragen aan een wereld waarin we elkaar kunnen horen en zien. Een wereld waarin we met zorg met elkaar kunnen omgaan, ruimte kunnen geven aan elkaars pijn en deze pijn kunnen horen en erkennen. En van hieruit op een herstellende manier bouwen aan een duurzame wereld voor ons allemaal.
Hayatım boyunca önyargılara, eleştirilere ve hayata karşı yabancılaşmama ve iletişim sorunu yaşamama neden olan negatif etkenlere maruz kaldım. İki ayrı gelen ebeveynlere sahip birisi olarak, kim olduğuma karar veren dünyaydı ve bununla beraber her tür etiket de üzerime yapıştırıldı. Şiddetsiz iletişim deneyimleyerek diğer insanlarla etiketlerin ötesinde bir araya gelme imkânı yakaladım. Bu durum neler olup bittiğini gözlemlemem, içimde neler olduğunu hissetmem ve ihtiyaçlarımı dile getirmem konusunda bana yardımcı oldu. Bunu deneyimlemek hayatıma zenginlik kattı. Ve şimdi de bu hayat tarzını hepinizle paylaşmak istiyorum.
Leyla Kalender
Organisator (NL/TR/EN)

Leyla Kalender
Organisator (NL/TR/EN)
Leyla Kalender is an expert, specialist and connector in the field of integration and diversity. She was born in Yalvac (Turkey) and grew up in Woensel-West, a disadvantaged neighbourhood in Eindhoven. Her childhood was a hard learning experience. This made inclusion and harmony important core values in her personal and professional life.
As a wife, mother and caregiver, Leyla is at the heart of life. She finds it important to treat each other with respect. Every individual is unique and talented.
After training in Social-Cultural Work and specialization as a mental health care provider, Leyla has been active for the past five years as an independent social worker with her company Leyla Calendar - Support and Guidance. Leyla knows the social map of Eindhoven like no other. Thanks to her experience and extensive networks, they know how to achieve good assistance without getting stuck in large organizations. With her personal and highly personal approach, she always delivers custom work off the beaten track.
“I teach people from different backgrounds to live and work together with space and respect for each other. My dream is a world in which cultural differences are used positively, and everyone can show their talent."
Leyla is also co-founder of the Ik Wil Foundation. Here, as a connector, she has done important community work in the neighbourhood in recent years. In this way, Leyla has developed into a special community builder who positively uses her personal and professional experience to solve integration and diversity issues.