Connecting Eindhoven wants to build a platform to work together towards an inclusive city. We think this is needed because there is a lot of visible and less visible discrimination and inequality, both in Eindhoven and beyond. We focus on Eindhoven to create strong connections in the local community to carry these difficult themes together. Our first event will consist of online workshops in the spring of 2021.
A lot has happened in our city in recent years. Think of how the peaceful protests for an inclusive Sinterklaas celebration were assaulted with violence or how Muslims were provoked several times during Ramadan. Research by anti-discrimination agency Radar has shown that expats are discriminated against in the Eindhoven nightlife. The Dutch childcare benefits scandal has exposed institutional racism in the Netherlands. Last year we also witnessed the impressive Black Lives Matter protests, where people voiced/showed that they are fed up with racism and discrimination. And finally, the Corona crisis has radically changed our lives and brought to light the inequalities in the world.
In addition to these “big” moments, there are also moments in daily life when people have to deal with social exclusion. These forms do not receive much media attention but are no less important because of this. These forms of social exclusion create pain, anger, frustration and sadness, among other things. Therefore, we see it as our responsibility to work together and stand up against discrimination, racism, and other forms of social exclusion. Also, we want to offer and give space to the pain and grief that lives in people. To support this process with care and work towards recovery. We want to build a network in Eindhoven committed to addressing all these forms of injustice, and to create a safe and loving society. We cannot do this alone; we need your help!
Are you a socially involved resident, or do you represent a (self-help) organization in the city? Then we would like to build our dream together with you. To get started, we need knowledge and expertise. That is why we organize the online event “Connecting Eindhoven”. We hope that this will result in many other activities that will strengthen our connection.