Why participate?

Do you experience racism, discrimination or other forms of social inequality? Or do you want to become an ally to be able to fight against this social inequality? Find the language to talk about it. Discover how you can help build a safe and loving Eindhoven.

About 100 people have already participated in introductory courses in Nonviolent Communication in five languages: Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, English or Dutch.

The community weekend will follow at the end of May, where we meet, learn more about inequality and social change, and take our first steps to make Eindhoven more beautiful.

Plaatsen beschikbaar

Meet the trainers Trainers

Be the change you wish to see in the city

Discover a language to talk about discrimination and inequality. Make an effort together with others to discuss difficult topics.


Click on the dates of the weekend (in the spheres) to view the program. In the last few months, about 100 people have already participated in introductory courses in Nonviolent Communication. These were offered in five languages. During the community weekend there will also be several workshops in each of these languages.


Eva Maria Schneijderberg


Ziya Altmış


Introduction training in Nonviolent Communication in Dutch. This is a series of three meetings, we expect you to attend all these moments.


Wednesday 31 March 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Wednesday 7 April 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Wednesday 14 April 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Azzam Talhami


Introduction training in Nonviolent Communication in Arabic. This is a series of four meetings, we expect you to attend all these moments.


Monday March 29, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Monday April 5, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Monday April 12, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Monday April 19, 06:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Javier Nieto Gómez


Anahí Sarasola Puente


Introduction training in Nonviolent Communication in Spanish. This is a series of four meetings, we expect you to attend all these moments.


Monday April 5, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Monday April 12, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Monday April 19, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Monday April 26, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Ron de Brito


Chelsie Green


Introduction training in Nonviolent Communication in English. This is a series of four meetings, we expect you to attend all these moments.


Tuesday April 6, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Tuesday April 13, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Tuesday April 20, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Tuesday April 27, 06:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Özge Altınkaya Erkök


Introduction training in Nonviolent Communication in Turkish. This is a series of three meetings, we expect you to attend all these moments.


Saturday April 24, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Saturday May 1, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Saturday May 8, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Azzam Talhami

الرتبة والامتياز، إدارة هوياتنا المتعددة عندما تتقاطع الهوية مع هويات متفارقة ومتوافقة

نحمل في حياتنا عدّة هويّات، هذه الهويّات تختلف بين هويّات مركزية تحمل القوة والتأثير وأخرى هامشية تأتي بقوة أقل

انضموا لورشة العمل هذه لنلق الضوء على كيفية فك تعقيد الهويّة الخاصة بنا. حيث إن تسميّة هوياتنا الهامشية والمركزية يساعدنا على إيجاد موقعنا و معرفة كمية القوة التي نتمتع بها في مساحات بعينها دون أخرى

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Jeyanthy Siva

Beyond good intentions: What does it mean to be an ally and how can we be effective ally(s)?

Language: English.

For whom: Everyone.

Information: How to move away from paralysis of guilt/shame and helplessness and step into being active anti-racist, anti ableist, and anti-oppression in behaviour, not only with words. Experiential activities and opportunities to share and to practice how we can move into behaving in alignment with our values.

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Özge Altınkaya Erkök

Change for beyond today and for all

Language: English.

For whom: Everyone.

Information: In this workshop, we will be looking at how we can contribute to a long term, sustainable and inclusive societal change as individuals and groups/communities. There are, for sure, so much that we can do as individuals and it indeed starts with one person most of the time and spreads to hundreds. As we come together, we have more potential to create a bigger impact on the change. In addition to this, we would also like to look at how to extend our field of influence to make the changes more sustainable for next generations and also how to include everyone's voices and needs into the changes we work for.

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Eva Maria Schneijderberg


Ziya Altmış

Bewust worden van mijn impact

Taal: Nederlands.

Voor wie: Iedereen.

Informatie: We onderzoeken in deze workshop vanuit de definities van Macht en Privilege hoe deze zich uiten in jouw eigen leven. Op welke vlakken heb jij invloed, ben je je bewust van de impact van jouw invloed op anderen die misschien in een ander positie verkeren? Kan jij je invloed inzetten ten behoeve van het grotere geheel en daarmee bijdragen aan positieve sociale verandering?

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ron de Brito


Chelsie Green

Social change starts with me

Language: English.

For whom: Everyone.

Information: We’ll invite people’s reflections on themselves, their immediate circles of influence and the systems they are enrolled in. We’ll invite them to speak about and name their feelings about social systems, what needs they want to meet and what they want to change. We’ll develop the question of how systems we are enrolled in are harmful for those with less privilege. We’ll explore who is included and who is excluded from existing groups, how we are or are not able to listen to others, widening our empathy, accepting feelings of shame and guilt, empathy for what we have not done, our sense of responsibility and shame. We’ll ask what is our resistance for connecting with others and what is our fluidity in meeting others with openness. We’ll invite life stories and how we hear or don’t hear others’ disadvantages. We intend to use CHAT, Breakout Rooms, Meditative reflections, writing/ drawing, and sharing in the main group to include everyone’s voices.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Jeyanthy Siva

Living with dignity and strength in the face of marginalization

Language: English.

For whom: People from marginalized/migrant groups.

Information: We will touch on the following topics: Power and how it impacts us; what is white supremacy culture/mind set and how does it show up in our lives; what are some of the legacies of colonialism that have a current impact on our lives, and more.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Eva Maria Schneijderberg


Ziya Altmış

Praten over kleur? Ja, graag!

Taal: Nederlands.

Voor wie: Iedereen.

Informatie: In Nederland hebben we te maken met grote, structurele en culturele machtsverschillen. Het hebben van een witte huidskleur betekent dat je beschikt over privileges. Privileges die Nederlanders van kleur niet hebben. Het benoemen van de structurele verschillen en deze erkennen kan lastig en pijnlijk zijn. Tijdens deze workshop willen we het gesprek over de impact van kleur met elkaar aangaan. We onderzoeken welke dingen we misschien zelf onbewust doen, die bijdragen aan ongelijkheid. We willen je vragen om voor deelname deze test te doen:

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Community time

Language: Dutch & English

For whom: Everyone.

Information: A moment to check in with each other.

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Jeyanthy Siva

Recognizing & healing effects of marginalization (e.g. Internalized oppression and lateral violence) and building solidarity with each other

Language: English.

For whom: People from marginalized/migrant groups.

Information: How to recognize & heal impacts of oppression: Internalized oppression – what it is and how it limits us internally and in our relationships with others. Lateral violence – what it is and how it's related to Internalized oppression. Building solidarity across different kinds of oppression/ lack of privilege.

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Özge Altınkaya Erkök

Birlikteliğin hizmetinde ayrıcalıklar ve güç

Dil: Türkçe.

Kimin için: Herkes.

Bilgi: Hepimiz güç ve ayrıcalık kelimelerini birçok farklı bağlamda duymuş olabiliriz. İletişimle ilgili bir atölyede bu konunun neden yer aldığını merak edebilirsiniz. Ağzımızı her açtığımızda veya birinin söylediği kelimeleri duyduğumuzda, hatta her seçim yaptığımızda (ve her saniye bir seçim yaparız!) bunu, sahip olduğumuz veya sahip olmadığımız güç ve ayrıcalıkların etkileriyle yapıyoruz. Her ne kadar güç ve ayrıcalık unsurları kültürümüzün içine gömülmüş halde ye aldığı için görünmez durumda olsalar da, bizim ve diğerlerinin üzerindeki etkileri son derece görülürdür. Bu atölye çalışmasında, dünyaya daha fazla barış, eşitlik ve özen getirecek şekilde harekete geçirebilmek üzere içimizdeki ve çevremizdeki güç ve ayrıcalıklar hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek ve daha fazla farkına varmayı arzu ediyoruz.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Jeyanthy Siva

Empathy for connection, empathy for seeing deeper human beauty of self and other(s)

Language: English.

For whom: Everyone.

Information: Empathy, some teaching and lots of practising!

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Eva Maria Schneijderberg


Ziya Altmış

Ruimte maken voor andere ervaringen

Taal: Nederlands.

Voor wie: Iedereen.

Informatie: Hoe kun je ruimte maken om elkaar te horen ook al heb je geen gedeelde ervaring? De ‘bubbel’ waarin we leven kan invloed hebben op hoe we de wereld ervaren. Iedereen wordt verschillend ontvangen in de wereld op basis van bijvoorbeeld onze afkomst, huidskleur, gender, leeftijd, etc. Het kan lastig zijn om anderen te horen in ervaringen die ver van je af staan en deze te erkennen. Hoe kun je met een open hart luisteren en openstaan voor de ervaring van de ander los van wat er in jou wordt geraakt?

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Özge Altınkaya Erkök

Empatide insanlığımızla bağ kurmak

Dil: Türkçe.

Kimin için: Herkes.

Bilgi: Nerede doğmuş olursak olalım, tenimizin rengi ne olursa olsun ya da hangi cinsiyete ait olduğumuzu hissedersek hissedelim, hepimiz aynı evrensel insan ihtiyaçlarını paylaşıyoruz. İhtiyaçlar, insanlığımızın ortak bir zemini. Empati, başkalarının deneyimiyle bağ kurmamızı sağlayan, doğal bir insan becerisidir. Hatta deneyimler, duyulmayı ya da bağ kurmayı güçleştirecek şekilde ifade edildiğinde bile... Empati, kendimizin ve başkalarının en derin ihtiyaçlarıyla bağlantı kurmamızı sağlar, bu da sorunlarımız karşısında herkes için işe yarayan ve bağlarımızı restore eden, güçlendiren ve derinleştiren çözümler üretmemizi mümkün kılar. Bu atölye çalışmasında, kazan-kaybet paradigmasına girmeden empatinin en derin özlemlerimizi (ihtiyaçları) duymak ve başkalarının özlemleriyle bağlantı kurmak için bizi nasıl destekleyebileceğini inceleyeceğiz.

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Community time: opening + workshop Identities

Language: Dutch & English

For whom: Everyone.

Information: Joint opening of the weekend. Introductions by the trainers. Workshop on identities by Jeyanthy Siva. We'll do an activity for raising awareness of socially constructed relations of power and their impact on individuals’ options, behaviour, mental landscape, etc.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Azzam Talhami

Using Self-Empathy to heal from internalized oppression and racism

Language: English.

For whom: People from marginalized/migrant groups.

Information: Self-empathy is a powerful tool to acknowledge the impact of colonial practices on the individual, including internalizing oppression and racism. Join me in this workshop to explore how to use self-empathy practice based on Nonviolent Communication principles of healing internalization and advocating for ourselves.

Participate or contribute



The introductory training in NVC has now ended. Would you like to participate in the community weekend?

Register for the online event for free.

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The online event is free, so that money is not an obstacle to participate.
If you have the resources for it, then we would like to receive a donation.

We will use your voluntary contribution to make these and future activities of Connecting Eindhoven possible.


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Connecting Eindhoven 2021 Zoom Event

You can follow the Connecting Eindhoven 2021 event entirely online. To participate in Connecting Eindhoven 2021, you need the Zoom application.

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