Want to support Connecting Eindhoven? Contribute
Share it with your social network: invite someone to join,
share the event on facebook or instagram.
Make a donation to ensure that we can keep Connecting Eindhoven activities free:
Use the form on the right and donate via iDEAL or credit card.
Or transfer an amount to account number IBAN NL20INGB0008208479 t.n.v. Stichting Ik Wil stating “donation Connecting Eindhoven”.
Contribute as a volunteer
We can use help with:
- translation of texts into Arabic, Spanish and Turkish
- interpreters during the community weekend (from Dutch or English to Arabic, Spanish or Turkish and vice versa)
- assist participants with the use of Zoom and/or other digital support
Do you have another talent that you wish to contribute with: let us know!
Contact us via the contact form.